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加热, 通风, 和 air conditioning are important to the safety 和 comfort of our communities. Both residential 和 commercial buildings require HVAC systems, which means the industry 和 profession are essential to our everyday lives.

哪个app可以赌足球, HVAC studies involve h和s-on experiences that prepare you to go out into the community 和 have a fulfilling career in the industry.


Work on actual HVAC equipment while pursuing your associate degree or certification. 赌钱app可以微信提现 offers the only HVAC program in Kansas to be accredited by the Partnership for Air-Conditioning, 加热, Refrigeration 认证 (PAHRA). Our HVAC program arms you with basic job skills needed to service 和 maintain residential heating 和 air conditioning equipment.

在你学习结束的时候, you will be prepared to take the Environmental Protection Agency’s Refrigerant Management exam 和 receive an EPA制冷剂管理许可证. 你也有资格参加 Occupational 安全 和 Health 政府 (OSHA) 30-hour General Industry Health 和 安全 培训认证.

作为一名暖通专业的学生, 您将从学习暖通空调基础知识开始, 同时在实验室获得实践经验. 在整个课程中,您将学习:

  • 电气和供暖基础
  • 电气系统
  • 暖通空调安装和启动程序
  • 工业安全和OSHA法规
  • 管道基础
  • 制冷剂管理
  • 冷却系统
  • 客户服务技能
  • 还有更多!

赌钱app可以微信提现为研究暖通空调提供了两条路径. Both programs prepare students for successful careers in the HVAC trade. 您可以从以下选项中选择:

  • HVAC技术应用科学副学士: 如果你选择获得副学士学位, 你将学习暖通空调课程和选修课, 作曲与商业数学. 您将获得在暖通空调设备上的实践. This two-year program will prepare you for a rewarding career as an HVAC technician.
  • 加热、通风, 和 空调技术 Certificate: 在为期一年的证书课程暖通空调学生s will study basic HVAC principles 和 gain real-world experience in the lab. After completing the program hours, you will be prepared to take a certification exam.


There are various benefits of choosing 赌钱app可以微信提现 to receive an HVAC education. 赌钱app可以微信提现的HVAC项目获得了PAHRA的全国认证, 什么能让你在未来的雇主面前占据优势. Let’s take a look at everything that we can offer potential students.


At 赌钱app可以微信提现, you will be learning from highly qualified HVAC instructors. These experienced HVAC professionals have vast knowledge about the industry. 你会向业内最优秀的人学习.


赌钱app可以微信提现 gives students interactive learning opportunities to apply what they learn in the classroom. In our labs, you become familiar with HVAC equipment 和 practice service, repair 和 maintenance. However, you will get real-world experience as an HVAC intern.

作为你在赌钱app可以微信提现获得学位的实践训练的一部分, your internship will keep you up to date on the latest HVAC technologies 和 green initiatives. These unique learning opportunities will help you make connections in the community that could lead to jobs 和 careers. Your classroom instruction 和 training are enriched by interactions with students in the HVAC program who have a wide range of career backgrounds 和 experience.


升级或提高你的技能, 得到认证, or finish your associate degree by attending evening or weekend classes. We offer courses at convenient times so that you can begin studying HVAC while you continue to work full time.


你可以加入 制冷服务工程师学会(RSES) as a student member — which provides an introduction to the Society while giving you all of the benefits of membership, 包括对资源的访问, training 和 reference materials — at less than half the annual membership cost. You can also join a number of other clubs 和 organizations to enhance your experience at 赌钱app可以微信提现.

"HVAC Associate Professor Howard Hendren introduced me to the Lennox representatives, 谁递给我一张名片. 我跟进了一下,在我完成了我的证书之后, I was hired by Lennox as an entry-level commercial technician. 因为赌钱app可以微信提现, 我能够向我的雇主证明我了解基本知识, 这就是他们要找的吗."


Starting Fall 2020 you must have HVAC Department approval to enroll 查看如何申请

Both an HVAC certificate 和 associate degree will prepare you for a career as an HVAC technician. The HVAC industry is in high dem和 和 is expected to grow at a rate of 8.到2024年5%.

You can complete this certification to enter the HVAC field while working toward an associate degree. A degree prepares you for a bachelor’s degree with courses in operational theory of HVAC equipment, 诊断技能集, 安装, 暖通空调设备的服务和维修, 以及客户服务技能

下载 暖通空调技术计划展望(PDF) 就业预测和薪资信息.

在职业决策方面需要帮助? 参观 职业发展中心.

The cost of going to college can drastically impact your ability to succeed. 在哪个app可以赌足球, we want our students to be able to afford a program that they love. That’s why we’re constantly working to make 学费 more affordable for you.


Textbook 和 other supply costs vary depending on your courses.

There are several things to consider when budgeting for college. 访问我们的 出勤费用页面 详细信息.


Being a student at 赌钱app可以微信提现 means you have access to a range of services 和 resources to help you succeed. We offer professional tutoring 和 small, personalized class sizes. When you attend 哪个app可以赌足球, your education truly matters.

上学的费用可能令人望而生畏. 幸运的是,我们的 金融援助 办公室的人会帮你完成这个过程. 我们的顾问可以帮助你找到资助你上学的方法, 包括奖学金和学生贷款, both of which can help to reduce the cost of your 学费 every semester.

If you need help discovering what your passion will be post-graduation, our 职业发展中心学术咨询 服务是很好的支持工具.

你也可以继续你的教育 转学到四年制大学. 赌钱app可以微信提现 is here to help make the transition to another college program easy 和 stress-free.